Party scene℠ is a new community networking platform connecting members to private events nearby. Be it a garage sale, drum circle, house party, community event or a free concert gets you connected easier than ever before.

Try it now to begin receiving text notifications about private events near you, or tout your event with the ease of one click.

Here's how it works:

  • Event-goers from your area subscribe.
  • Subscribers define their event-going interests using filters, so they receive the right notifications.
  • Hosts create a listing for their event.
  • A text notification is sent to all subscribers located nearby, within their postal code area, in just enough time to build a gathering.

Share℠ to encourage others to join. Subscribers needing help go here.

1. Using postal (zip) codes,℠ is able to keep the notifications you receive limited to only the specific areas you define, to include your recreation areas.

2.℠ is a not-for-profit community networking platform. It requires we all participate and do our part to spread the word.

3. Joining or logging in to an account constitutes agreement with the Terms of Service. Please read the Safety Guide.
